March 18-20, 2018 • Denver, CO


  |  Parent Levels of Confidence Before and After Positive Parenting Workshop

Parent Levels of Confidence Before and After Positive Parenting Workshop

Track: Family Perspective, Engagement and Support Authors: Zoey Walker, Lori Day Affiliations: Gallaudet University, Washington, DC Presenter: Zoey Walker Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidenced-based intervention used with parents of children between the ages of 2 and 7 who exhibit behavior concerns including impulsivity, hyperactivity, oppositional behavior, and difficulty following instructions. This therapy works with parents and caregivers to develop positive parenting strategies, healthy parent-child relationships, and to improve overall compliance from the child. Researchers at Gallaudet University have adapted PCIT to be used with Deaf persons (hearing parents-deaf children, deaf parents-hearing children, deaf parents-deaf children). A workshop for parents and caregivers of young deaf children aimed at providing community outreach through teaching foundational PCIT principles was provided. Through the use of pre and post surveys, the effectiveness of sharing PCIT positive parenting strategies with parents and caregivers was evaluated based on their self-reported feelings of confidence in a variety of parenting skills. Difference in parent confidence levels in their parenting strategies before and after they have completed the positive parenting workshop is discussed. Key Words: PCIT, positive parenting strategies, Parent Child Interaction Therapy Contact information: Zoey Walker Zoey.Walker@gallaudet.edu (775) 691-6432

  • Educate professionals and parents/caregivers about positive parenting strategies with Deaf children as used in Parent Child Interaction Therapy
  • Show the outcome of exposure to a positive parenting workshop with families that have a deaf member
  • Support families with one or more Deaf members by educating not only problem management but prevention techniques


Handout is not Available

CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Zoey Walker (), Gallaudet University , zoey.walker@gallaudet.edu;
I am a graduate student in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Gallaudet University. I am collaborating with Dr. Lori Day to develop surveys and provide positive parenting workshops with parents and caregivers of deaf children.


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Lori Day (), Gallaudet University, lori.day@gallaudet.edu;
Lori Day received her bachelor’s degree from Allegheny College in Psychology and Neuroscience and her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Gallaudet University. She completed her clinical predoctoral fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Pediatric Neuropsychology at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. Lori is licensed to practice psychology in D.C. and Maryland, and she is a certified PCIT therapist.


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