March 18-20, 2018 • Denver, CO


  |  Association of EHDI District Staffing with Follow-Up After Screening

Association of EHDI District Staffing with Follow-Up After Screening

Purpose and Background: The aim of this study was to display the association between patient navigator program staffing and loss to follow up in newborns that did not pass newborn hearing screening in selected health districts in Georgia. Since 2009, each of the 18 Georgia health districts has had a navigator. By helping guide families through the maze of follow-up after not passing screening, we expect that loss to follow-up patterns mimic that of navigator staffing: higher loss to follow-up during staff vacancy, and vice versa. Methods: By Freedom of Information request, newborn hearing screening and diagnostic loss to follow-up data from 2009-2015 were acquired for three public health districts in Georgia: Athens, Augusta, and Cobb-Douglas. These districts were chosen because they had varying amounts of time of unfilled staff positions for Coordinator of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention.   Results: For the three selected health districts in Georgia, lapses in staffing of the district patient navigator position correlated temporally with increased failures of follow-up after not passing newborn hearing screening. Aggregate three-district data show that follow up-rates in quarters with a full-time navigator are higher when compared to quarters without a full time navigator, a statistically significant difference (P <.05). Conclusion: Lapses in staffing of district public health patient navigator positions correlate with increased loss to follow up following failed newborn hearing screening.

  • To assess the association between patient navigator programs and newborn hearing screening loss to follow up
  • To encourage EHDI programs to support continual staffing of patient navigators
  • To support implementing a patient navigator in states/counties not currently utilizing a navigator


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Kareem Al-Mulki (), Emory University School of Medicine, kalmulk@emory.edu;
Kareem Al-Mulki is a second year medical student at the Emory University School of Medicine interested in pursuing Otolaryngology as a specialty.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Norman Todd (), Emory School of Medicine, ntodd@emory.edu;
Dr. Todd received his medical degree from the Tulane School of Medicine and performed residency at Emory University. He also has received his MPH from Emory. He is currently a Professor of Otolaryngology at Emory.


Financial -

Nonfinancial -