March 18-20, 2018 • Denver, CO


  |  Identifying barriers to referrals for assessment of secondary challenges in children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing.

Identifying barriers to referrals for assessment of secondary challenges in children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing.

Children with hearing loss are often late identified with a secondary disability, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This problem may be due to a lack of knowledge or awareness of red flags of ASD and hearing loss or a lack of information about referral resources for further evaluation. An investigation is needed to determine the current processes used by clinicians and early interventionists when children with hearing loss are not making expected progress. Our hypothesis is that there are multiple barriers to accurate and timely secondary diagnosis including provider expertise and a lack of trusted follow-up assessment services. The aim of this project is to identify barriers to referrals for assessment of secondary challenges and to identify resources available to support early and accurate diagnosis. The ultimate goal is to lower the age of identification of children with ASD and other developmental disabilities in children with hearing loss. We will gather data using a survey administered to three populations including clinical audiologists, educational audiologists, and early interventionists. The questions will be structured to identify the potential perceived barriers professionals’ experience, understanding of the red flags, appropriate referrals, and the availability of resources currently available to families. The final goal of the project is to identify resources and disseminate an updated list of resources to guide professionals in the process of making appropriate referrals and improving the child’s early intervention services to incorporate the dual-diagnosis.

  • Identify barriers professionals’ encounter when making referrals for secondary disabilities in children with hearing loss
  • Understand factors that lead to a later diagnosis of a secondary disability in children with hearing loss
  • Identify resources currently available for professionals who work with children with hearing loss

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Sandra Gabbard (), Marion Downs Center, sandra.gabbard@mariondowns.org;
Sandra Gabbard is an Associate Professor of Audiology at the University of Colorado where she is the Coordinator of the Pediatric Audiology LEND MCHB training grant, which supports AuD students and post-doctoral audiologists to expand their expertise in pediatric audiology. In addition, Sandra is the CEO/President and audiologist at the Marion Downs Center, a non-profit community clinic which provides services in audiology, speech therapy, and more.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Kaylee Watson (), University of Colorado, Boulder, kawa7624@colorado.edu;
Mari Peterman and Kaylee Watson are current fourth year audiology doctoral students at the University of Colorado, Boulder. They are Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) fellows through JFK partners at the University of Colorado Denver. Each hold a strong desire to work with the pediatric population and contribute to the field of pediatric audiology. They will be presenting their analysis of data that they collected with help from The Marion Downs Center and professionals who work all over Colorado.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Mari Peterman (), University of Colorado, Boulder, maca1065@colorado.edu;
Mari Peterman and Kaylee Watson are current fourth year audiology doctoral students at the University of Colorado, Boulder. They are Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) fellows through JFK partners at the University of Colorado Denver. Each hold a strong desire to work with the pediatric population and contribute to the field of pediatric audiology. They will be presenting their analysis of data that they collected with help from The Marion Downs Center and professionals that work all over Colorado.


Financial -

Nonfinancial -

Christine Yoshinaga-Itano (), University of Colorado-Boulder, Christie.Yoshi@colorado.edu;
Dr. Christine Yoshinaga-Itano is a Research Professor, Institute of Cognitive Science, Professor Emerita, Department of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences, at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Visiting Professor, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, Centre for Deaf. She has over 125 published articles and chapters with a focus on universal newborn hearing screening and predictors of developmental outcomes of children with hearing loss with an emphasis on children and families from multicultural/linguistic backgrounds, and those with socio-economic and linguistic challenges. She presented on this topic throughout the United States and globally. She received Honors from the American Speech/Language & Hearing Association and was a Jerger Career Research Awardee from the American Academy of Audiology. She serves as an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Audiology and is a member of the Audiology committee for the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP).


Financial - Receives Other financial benefit for Other activities from grant recipient from AUCD/CDC.   Receives Other financial benefit for Membership on advisory committee or review panels,Other activities from grant recipient from AUCD/CDC.   Receives Other financial benefit for Other activities from grant recipient form AUCD/CDC.   Receives Other financial benefit for Other activities from grant recipient AUCD/CDC.   Receives Other financial benefit for Other activities from grant recipient AUCD/CDC.   Receives Salary,Grants for Other activities from Disability Research Dissemination Center.   Receives Salary for Employment from University of Colorado Boulder.   Receives Salary for Employment from University of Colorado Boulder.   Receives Salary for Employment from University of Colorado Boulder.   Receives Salary for Employment from University of Colorado Boulder.   Receives Salary for Employment from University of Colorado Boulder.   Receives In kind for Membership on advisory committee or review panels from LENA Foundation.   Receives In kind for Membership on advisory committee or review panels from LENA Foundation.   Receives In kind for Membership on advisory committee or review panels from LENA Foundation.   Receives In kind for Membership on advisory committee or review panels from LENA Foundation.   Receives In kind for Membership on advisory committee or review panels from LENA Foundation.   Receives Grants for Other activities from Disability Research Dissemination Center.   Receives Grants for Other activities from Disability Research Dissemination Center.   Receives Grants for Other activities from Disability Research Dissemination Center.   Receives Grants for Other activities from Disability Research Dissemination Center.   Receives Grants for Other activities from Disability Research Dissemination Center.  

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.