March 18-20, 2018 • Denver, CO


  |  Demographics for Children with Unilateral Hearing Loss in Indiana’s Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program

Demographics for Children with Unilateral Hearing Loss in Indiana’s Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program

One infant out of every 1,000 births is diagnosed with Unilateral Hearing Loss (UHL). Compared to children with Bilateral Hearing Loss (BHL), children with UHL often go undetected, even with mandated Universal Newborn Hearing Screenings. Our study investigates what risk factors or commonalities may be present in children with UHL, and their journey through the JCIH “1-3-6” process. More specifically, we analyze: screening equipment used, validity of screening results, age at identification, post-identification intervention, maternal demographics, and secondary diagnoses.

  • The reviewer will be able to analyze general trends for children identified with unilateral hearing loss in relation to the JCIH “1-3-6” guidelines.
  • The reviewer will be able to identify commonalities found within Indiana children identified with unilateral hearing loss in 2015.
  • The reviewer will be able to identify additional areas of research needed for this population.


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Brooke Flesher (), Children's University of Wisconsin , bflesher@purdue.edu;
Brooke Flesher is currently a 4th year Doctorate of Audiology student at Purdue University and the 4th year Doctoral Extern at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. She is the current EHDI Student Involvement Subcommittee Chair and serves on the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) communications committee, as well as the membership committee for the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA). Brooke's research experience includes projects pertaining to the EHDI population and pediatric audiology outreach. Brooke's clinical experiences to date include Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, SSM Dean Clinic, and Peyton Manning Children's Hospital. Brooke is passionate about everything related to pediatric audiology, and especially loves working with families through the newborn hearing screening and identification journey.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Alyssa Rex (), Indiana State Department of Health EHDI, arex@isdh.in.gov;
Alyssa K. Rex is the mother of 2 young children, an avid socializer with friends and family, and dedicated pediatric Audiologist. She studied Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at Purdue University and received her Doctor of Audiology from Central Michigan University. Dr. Rex is currently the Interim Director for the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program at the Indiana State Department of Health and the EHDI Follow-up Coordinator. She is the administrative lead for all aspects of the EHDI program, including program and staff development and oversight, data reporting and quality for “1-3-6”, and grant activities. Previously, Dr. Rex practiced pediatric audiology at ENT & Associates in Fort Wayne, Indiana and served as the Associate Director prior to relocating to Indianapolis. Her passion has always been pediatric focused, whether she performed comprehensive evaluations, provided rehabilitation services, implemented programmatic changes due to evidence-based practices in the clinical and/or public sector or collaborated with various organizations serving the community of deaf or hard of hearing children.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.