March 18-20, 2018 • Denver, CO


  |  Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD) identified in well-baby nursery (WBN) newborn hearing screening.

Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD) identified in well-baby nursery (WBN) newborn hearing screening.

Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD) is characterized by normal outer hair cell function and abnormal or absent auditory brainstem responses. A high proportion of ANSD has been identified while screening “high risk” infants from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). However, there is little data available regarding the prevalence of this condition in healthy newborns (WBN). This retrospective study examines the relative proportion of ANSD identified in each birth location (WBN vs. NICU) using data of Pediatrix’s-MEDNAX newborn hearing screen program which performs repeat inpatient/outpatient screens with automated auditory brainstem responses (AABR). The tracked audiological evaluations of infants identified with PHL (2,900) from 2015 -2016 out of the total population screened (WBN: 1,529,384; NICU 166,410) was analyzed. Amongst these 127 infants (4.3%, 127/2,900) were diagnosed with ANSD (62 bilateral, 65 unilateral) and 63% of the ANSD (81 infants) was identified in the WBN. The relative proportions of ANSD identified in the screened population were 0.005% (81/1, 529,384) in the WBN and 0.02% (46/166,410) in the NICU. In conclusion, the identification of ANSD in healthy infants from the WBN raises awareness for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention stakeholders suggesting that both screening methods (otoacoustic emissions and AABR) should be considered during outpatient follow-up testing for optimal management of infants with this condition regardless of their birth location.

  • Characterizing Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder by birth location in infants who referred Newborn Hearing Screening
  • Increase awareness of Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder identified in healthy newborns for EHDI programs
  • Combined use of OAEs and AABR in identifying congenital hearing loss

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Jillian Gerstenberger (), MEDNAX, Pediatrix Newborn Hearing Screening Program , jillian_gerstenberger@mednax.com;
Dr. Jillian Gerstenberger, Au.D., graduated from Central Michigan University (CMU) with her Doctorate in Audiology and holds a Master's of Business Administration (MBA) with a healthcare focus from Florida International University (FIU). Prior to joining Mednax/Pediatrix Medical Group, Dr. Gerstenberger was responsible for establishing an integrated pediatric audiology practice (complete diagnostic and rehabilitative services) for a hospital-based pediatric otolaryngology practice while providing direct clinical care. Currently, she acts as the clinical manager of Pediatrix National Newborn Hearing Screening Program. Dr. Gerstenberger is a member of the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA), and holds a Certificate of Clinical Competency in Audiology (CCC-A). Her clinical focuses and expertise include newborn hearing screening, early intervention, pediatric audiological assessment, pediatric treatment and rehabilitation options including hearing aids, assistive listening devices (ALDs), osseointegrated auditory implant systems, and cochlear implants.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Maria Perez Abalo (), MEDNAX, Pediatrix Newborn Hearing Screening Program , maria_perez_abalo@mednax.com;
Dr. Maria Perez-Abalo graduated from University of Havana, Cuba with Doctorate in Medicine and a medical postgraduate specialization in Neurosciences and Clinical Neurophysiology. She received a PhD in Biomedical Sciences with a major in Audiology/Electro audiometry. Prior to joining MEDNAX, Pediatrix Hearing Screening Program, Dr. Perez Abalo worked for over 30 years as senior researcher in the Cuban Neuroscience Center, in Havana Cuba. Her clinical and research focuses were on developing full cycle research projects in hearing screening and electro audiometry where she published an extensive number of papers in peer reviewed journals. In 1983, Dr. Perez-Abalo founded the Cuban Hearing Screening Program developing innovative technology and methods for national expansion of the hearing screening program in Cuba, as well as, managed translational screening experiences in multiple Latin American countries.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Karen Brennhofer (), Mednax, karen_brennhofer@mednax.com ;
Part-time 4th graduate student.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Kaitlyn Porter (), Pediatrix Medical Group an affiliation of MEDNAX, Kaitlyn_porter@mednax.com;
Part-time employee; 3rd Year NOVA Southeastern Graduate student.


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