March 18-20, 2018 • Denver, CO


  |  EARLY INTERVENTION: Improvements in EHDI Data


The importance of Early Intervention is the reason for identifying babies at birth through UNHS, yet, it has been challenging to obtain data on the babies’ status of early intervention by 6 months of age. In 2015, EHDI partnered with Indiana Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side to develop a one year protocol to follow-up with families identified through UNHS. This new protocol, called EHDI Family Connect, was launched in June 2015 and the data indicates a significant improvement in EHDI knowing the status of early intervention of children identified with hearing loss by 6 months of age. We will discuss the new protocol which starts with a postcard given to families at the time of identification, a Parent Guide reaching out within 48 hours of referral, a 3 month follow-up (for all families regardless of whether the family was reached at the initial contact) and a 12 month follow-up contact (again, regardless of whether or not the family had ever been reached before). Preliminary findings indicate it is beneficial to reach out to families throughout the first year after their baby is identified with hearing loss. We will discuss the improvement in data collection and the key factors related to those improvements. We anticipate this information and improved protocol will help other states hoping to improve their data on the status of early intervention of their babies identified through UNHS.

  • Participants will learn about a new protocol that improves data collection
  • Participants will learn how Indiana organizations collaborate to meet EHDI's 1-3-6 goals
  • Participants will learn how a new protocol improves positive outcomes for the child.


Handout is not Available

CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Lisa Condes (), EHDI - Indiana Sate Dept. of Health, lcondes@isdh.in.gov;
Lisa Condes is the parent of 5 children, her youngest deaf. She has a B.A. and M.S. Degree in Rehabilitation Psychology. She has worked with families and their children for over 25 years. In 1987-1989 she participated on the Governor’s Interagency Roundtable to establish Indiana’s PartC program, First Steps. As a Licensed Medical Social Worker in a level one trauma center for Pediatric Rehabilitation, Lisa worked with families and their communities to ensure optimal outcomes for her patients. For over 10 years, Lisa was the executive director for 2 different non-profits that served children with special needs, developing new programs and securing grants and donations to support these programs. She is currently contracted by the Indiana State Department of Health EHDI Program as the Indiana Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side State Coordinator, ensuring families of newly identified D/HH babies are supported and safely enrolled in early intervention.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Alyssa Rex (), Indiana State Department of Health EHDI, arex@isdh.in.gov;
Alyssa K. Rex is the mother of 2 young children, an avid socializer with friends and family, and dedicated pediatric Audiologist. She studied Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at Purdue University and received her Doctor of Audiology from Central Michigan University. Dr. Rex is currently the Interim Director for the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program at the Indiana State Department of Health and the EHDI Follow-up Coordinator. She is the administrative lead for all aspects of the EHDI program, including program and staff development and oversight, data reporting and quality for “1-3-6”, and grant activities. Previously, Dr. Rex practiced pediatric audiology at ENT & Associates in Fort Wayne, Indiana and served as the Associate Director prior to relocating to Indianapolis. Her passion has always been pediatric focused, whether she performed comprehensive evaluations, provided rehabilitation services, implemented programmatic changes due to evidence-based practices in the clinical and/or public sector or collaborated with various organizations serving the community of deaf or hard of hearing children.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.