March 18-20, 2018 • Denver, CO


  |  What Impacts Lost to Follow-Up in a Major Metropolitan City?

What Impacts Lost to Follow-Up in a Major Metropolitan City?

Determining factors that influence loss to follow-up after discharge from a birthing hospital can be difficult. When staff is limited, technology is challenging and funding is limited there is still analysis that can be completed. Illinois manually reviewed vital records data for approximately 400 infants lost to follow-up in the greater Chicagoland area. The goal was to determine if younger women, women of Latina background, or women with lower educational backgrounds represented the greatest number of mothers with infants lost to follow-up. The results humbled the analysis team when it was determined theories were incorrect. The poster reviews our state’s finding for infants lost to follow-up and helps EHDI programs rethink future outreach goals.

  • How demographics impact diagnosis follow up in a major metropolitan area
  • How demographics impact early intervention follow up in a major metropolitan area
  • How vital records can assist in data analysis

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Bianca Sanchez (), Illinois Department of Public Health, EHDI Program, bsanchez68@siumed.edu;
Bianca attended the University of Illinois at Springfield where she is pursued her master in Public Administration. She was awarded a Graduate Public Service Internship with the Illinois Department of Public Health from 2015-2017. Bianca worked in the EHDI Program focusing on quality assurance and quality improvement.


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Alexandra Scherba (), Illinois Department of Public Health, EHDI Program, Alexandra.Sharp@Illinois.gov;
Alexandra has two bachelor degrees from Loyola University Chicago. Her first degree was a BBA in Management and International Business while her second was a BS in Biology. Alexandra currently attends the University of Illinois at Springfield where she is pursuing her joint master in Public Health and Public Administration. She was awarded a Graduate Public Service Internship with the Illinois Department of Public Health where Alexandra works in the EHDI Program focusing on quality assurance and quality improvement.


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Ginger Mullin (), Illinois Department of Public Health, ginger.mullin@illinois.gov;
Dr. Ginger Mullin has a Bachelor’s degree Communication Disorders. She also holds a Master’s and Doctoral degree in Audiology. She has worked in pediatric audiology and the EHDI system since 1995 and became Illinois’ EHDI coordinator in 2005. During that time she has been the principal investigator for both the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) grants/ cooperative agreements. She has received specific training in pediatrics, public health, data management and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). As the EHDI Coordinator, Dr. Mullin has worked at the state and national level to promote newborn hearing screening, audiology diagnostics, targeted intervention, family-to-family support, stakeholder education and ongoing surveillance through age 3. She has presented regionally and nationally on pediatric assessment, amplification, the EHDI system of care, and partnering with families She has been part of the leadership teams for the Newborn Hearing Screening Training Curriculum (NHSTC), EHDI-PALS, Virtual Site Visit Project (VSV), as well as the national EHDI Meeting. She has severed in many capacities, including the President for the Directors of Speech and Hearing Programs in State Health and Welfare Agencies. She is the co-leader of EHDI Chats a national forum for EHDI Coordinators to meet monthly and share seamlessly while stealing shamelessly from one another to enhance state programs. She has been nominated several time for the Antonio Maxon Award at the National EHDI Meeting and received the Seaver Vision Award. Dr. Mullin was also a key leader for the EHDI and GBYS program which received the Generating Real Action by Cultivating Engagement (GRACE) Award from Expecting Health and Baby’s First Test. Dr. Mullin sits on the Illinois Universal Newborn Screening Advisory Committee and the Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention to guide work for children with low-incidence sensory disabilities.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.