March 18-20, 2018 • Denver, CO


3/18/2018  |   1:00 PM - 4:00 PM   |  Uniquely Delivering Family-to-Family Support Within EHDI Systems and Beyond   |  Capitol 7

Uniquely Delivering Family-to-Family Support Within EHDI Systems and Beyond

Formalized family-to-family support in EHDI systems is well established through organizations such as Hands & Voices (H&V) and other family and professional based organizations. The H&V HRSA funded Family Leadership in Language and Learning Project (FL3) is providing technical assistance to 59 states and territories to ensure that families have an opportunity for family-to-family support. This interactive workshop will explore the breadth and depth of the types of support that families can benefit from, defining the quality of supports they should experience, and exploring families’ preferences about informational resources they receive. This information will be shared from research and real world life experience of the presenters. The methodology of the delivery of family-to-family support will be explored based on a model developed by Hands & Voices which explores the concentric circles of support, including both passive (e.g. newsletters, fact sheets, websites) to active (e.g. retreats, social media networking, one-to-one and group direct interactions) supports. The pros and cons of virtual family-to-family support via platforms that can provide families access to one another will also be discussed. The practical application of providing support will be explored in the context of: working with challenging and under-involved families; working with culturally diverse families; the impact of Deaf adult participation in family-to-family support; and uniquely providing that support through differing methods. Participants will be involved in round-table discussions for exploring creative and unique solutions to reaching families in their own spheres of influence.

  • Explore the evidence based practices and preferences of parent-to-parent support and provide current program and methods of delivery models offered by Hands & Voices.
  • Address the ways in which parents with newly identified children who are D/HH access information, and need different kinds of support in different formats – including the needs of low resourced communities.
  • Offer innovative strategies pulled from the diversity of resource dissemination practices across states and territories by providing concrete goals and objectives that EHDI systems can incorporate to fulfil the MCH directive of providing families the opportunity for family-to-family support (during the interactive segments of the workshop).


Handout is not Available



Stephanie Olson (), Children's Hospital Colorado, stephanie.olson@childrenscolorado.org;
Stephanie Olson, B.A., is the Family Consultant for the Bill Daniels Center for Children’s Hearing at Children’s Hospital, Colorado. Stephanie has been in this position for 18 years and serves as a liaison between families and the audiology health care system. Previously she worked with families and children from birth to three through the Colorado Home Intervention Program and for Hands and Voices Headquarters. Stephanie has traveled to Northern China, London, South Africa, Brazil and New Zealand and St. Petersburg, Russia, and FCEI Austria- Family Centered Early Intervention in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2022. Stephanie’s passion is to increase the understanding and impact of deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the parenting journey and with the professionals who work with those families. Stephanie was identified deaf/hard of hearing at the age of three and brings a variety of perspectives into her work and presentations.


Financial - Receives Consulting fee for Consulting from hands & Voices Headquarters.   Receives Consulting fee for Consulting from hands & Voices Headquarters.  

Nonfinancial -

Karen Putz (), Hands & Voices , parentcircledeafhh@gmail.com;
Karen Putz is a deaf mom of three deaf and hard of hearing kids. She worked in early intervention as a Deaf Mentor for 13 years and is the Co-Director of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Infusion for Hands & Voices. Karen is the author of several books, including


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Lisa Kovacs (), Hands & Voices , lisakovacs@handsandvoices.org ;
Lisa Kovacs is the Director of Programs for Hands & Voices Headquarters and the Director of the Family Leadership in Language and Learning (FL3) Center. She and her husband Brian have four young adult children including her son who is hard of hearing/deaf. Lisa was the 2019 Antonio Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence recipient. Her professional interest include; Parent Advocacy; Implementation of parent participation and engagement in systems building; Parent to Parent support; Deaf Education Reform; IDEA, ESSA, Part C and Part B Training to Parents, and Parent Leadership Training and Development.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Terri Patterson (), Hands & Voices, terri@handsandvoices.org;
Terri Patterson is the Director of Chapter Support for Hands & Voices, Coordinator of the H&V Leadership-to-Leadership (L2L) Program, and a member of the core management team for Hands & Voices Family Leadership in Language and Learning (FL3) Center. Her passion stems from her family, specifically her son who was born profoundly deaf in 1999. Through her personal experiences raising, supporting and advocating for her son, as well as navigating the systems that support children who are D/HH, she provides perspective, herself, as a hard of hearing adult. Her leadership skills continue to grow as she trains and provides technical assistance to over 50 Hands & Voices Chapters and efforts across North America through one-on-one training, leadership development, state and national conference presentations and national organizational engagement with NAD, NCDB, HRSA.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Yiesell Rayon (), Hands & Voices, yiesell@handsandvoices.org;
Yiesell's middle son, Markie was identified at birth with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. After acquiring her B.A., Yiesell decided to focus on raising her Deaf son. She quickly discovered her passion for offering support and resources to other parents who have DHH children. She applies both her professional and personal experience as an advocate to empower parents to advocate for their own children. Yiesell is the Director of Latino Support for Hands & Voices Headquarters. Within her state chapter of California Hands & Voices, Yiesell is the LA County Representative. She sits on the EHDI planning committee as well as the NCHAM Parent Advisory Committee representing parents of children who are DHH. She is passionate about supporting parents, but also the professionals who serve them. To better serve and improve Latino family involvement, Yiesell believes there is a demand for heightening awareness of the Latino culture and family dynamics.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Janet DesGeorges (), Hands & Voices, Headquarters, janet@handsandvoices.org;
Janet DesGeorges lives in Boulder, Colorado and is Executive Director of Hands & Voices Headquarters and the P.I. for the FL3 Center. Janet has presented to groups worldwide about the experiences of families as they journey through life with a child with deafness or hearing loss. Ms. DesGeorges received a program certificate from the MCH Public Health Leadership Institute in 2011 at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. As an EHDI Systems advocate, Janet believes in the principles and guiding philosophies of Hands & Voices towards a parent-driven, professionally-collaborative approach when supporting families in the early years. Her areas of interest include Leadership Development for parents who participate in systemic improvement; Deaf Education Reform and Improvement; Children’s Safety and Success(preventing child abuse and neglect); Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Systems; and Parent/Professional partnerships in Quality Improvement processes.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.