Title: 'An Exploration of How Parents of Children Who are D/HH Receive Support from Adults Who are D/HH'
Track: 7 - Family Perspectives and Support
Keyword(s): Deaf Mentors/Role Models, Learning Community
Learning Objectives:
  1. Identify what programs are established that offer support to families from D/HH adults.
  2. Compare diversity of programs that are offered to families who have children who are D/HH.
  3. Discuss what the Learning Community is deducing from information gathering and meetings.


The National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM) is forming a Learning Community (LC) that will help learn more about programs throughout the country that offer support to families and their deaf or hard of hearing child via connections with deaf or hard of hearing individuals. At this time, NCHAM has sent a detailed survey out to various people and organizations who either have D/HH 'Mentor' programs or would have knowledge about who to send the survey to within their state. Survey results will be collected and follow-up questions will be asked to those with established programs. A small, but diverse, group of programs will be invited to participate in a Learning Community. By the time of the EHDI Meeting, the survey results will have been collected, the Learning Community will have been established and a face to face meeting of those participating in the LC will have occurred. This breakout session will discuss an overview of the initial survey results, as well as the results from the face to face meeting of the LC participants. Survey results will provide information about established programs throughout the country, including information about them, such as mission, budget, administrative affiliation, types of services provided, etc. One purpose of the LC will be for the established groups to learn from each other about how families who have children who are D/HH are served and how best to support families and their children who are D/HH. This session will discuss findings discovered through the LC prior to the EHDI Meeting, goals for moving forward within the LC and how best to share the findings throughout the country in order to better serve families.
Presentation: This presentation has not yet been uploaded or the speaker has opted not to make the presentation available online.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
Mandy McClellan - Primary Presenter
     Credentials: Parent, Consultant
     Other Affiliations: AR H&V
      Mandy is a parent of a three children, two of whom have hearing loss. She is one of the EHDI Meeting Coordinators and works with various other projects for NCHAM.

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