Title: 'Spoken English and American Sign Language: Let the Child Lead You.'
Track: 3 - Language Acquisition and Development
Keyword(s): language acquisition and development, spoken English, ASL, family support
Learning Objectives:
  1. See how authentic applications can be made in the home, at an educational setting in terms of providing spoken English and ASL support.
  2. See how as family members, they could contribute to the language acquisition and development of spoken English and ASL.
  3. Understand how important it is to follow the child's lead in making team recommendations for the family and child.


Spoken English and American Sign Language: Let the Child Lead You. Track: Language Acquisition & Development, Family Support Affiliation: Texas School for the Deaf Presenter: Stella Egbert This presentation will focus on how important it is to allow the child to guide the team in terms of language acquisition and learning. Children know their abilities and it is crucial for the team to support this journey by providing a natural approach to exposing the child to both languages; spoken English (as well as the written form) and American Sign Language. It is challenging to see both languages of different modalities in an environment where the child is situated in, however it is possible. This presentation will share authentic spoken English and American Sign Language sessions in a private therapy as well as how this approach could be carried out in a setting for children with hearing loss from the ages of 18 months to 3. During the presentation, we will discuss what can families do to support this acquisition and what resources are available for such. This presentation will allow participants to reflect about the importance of allowing the child to lead the team to fully provide for language acquisition and development. Key words: language acquisition and development, spoken English, American Sign Language, family support Contact Information: Stella Egbert, M. Ed. Texas School for the Deaf stella.egbert@tsd.state.tx.us
Presentation: This presentation has not yet been uploaded or the speaker has opted not to make the presentation available online.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
Stella Egbert - POC,Primary Presenter
Texas School for the Deaf
     Credentials: M.Ed.
      Stella Egbert is the principal of the Early Childhood Education and Elementary programs at the Texas School for the Deaf. She has earned her Masters in English Linguistics from George Mason University and an M.Ed. from Texas State University in Educational Leadership.

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