Title: 'A Question of Eligibility: Qualifying for IFSP & IEP Support'
Track: 3-Early Intervention and Beyond
Audience: Primary Audience: Family of a child with hearing loss
Secondary Audience: Early Intervention Provider
Tertiary Audeince: Part C Agency/Program
Keyword(s): educational advocacy, Part C&B, families
Learning Objectives: Participants will learn about federal mandates related to eligibility for children who are deaf or hard of hearing and how state policies and laws impact qualifying factors. Strategies for improving eligibility posture and overcoming ineligible verdicts will be presented.


Just when you thought it was safe to let them go to Part B, (wait, when was that ever safe?) now even Part C may be turning some babies with hearing loss away. Today, EHDI programs and families face increased threats to eligibility in systems shrinking with few funds and fewer personnel. What does the federal law require? What can we do when state laws work against the “spirit” of the IDEIA? Using real examples, this session explores the question of eligibility and the strategic answers that can help us obtain services so infants and young children who are deaf or hard of hearing can benefit from support through early identification, intervention and an effective education.
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available
Leeanne Seaver - Hands & Voices National
     Credentials: M.A., Executive Director
      Leeanne Seaver, M.A., has three children including her oldest son, Dane, who is deaf. She is Executive Director of Hands & Voices (national). Professionally, Leeanne worked as a television writer/producer for 20 years until joining Hands & Voices full-time in 2006. Her deaf/hard of hearing-related productions include two Early Intervention Illustrated videos for Boys Town National Research Hospital, as well as "A is for Access: Providing Full and Effective Communication Access for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing." She is co-winner of the 2009 Antonia B. Maxon Award for contributions to the field of EHDI. Leeanne speaks nationally and internationally, and writes extensively about educational advocacy and family support, including her regular column, “In a Perfect World” featured in The Hands & Voices Communicator. Seaver’s new book, The Book of Choice: Support for Parenting a Child Who Is Deaf or Hard of Hearing is now available at www.handsandvoices.org