Title: 'Working Together: A Parent and A Professional Take on Family Support'
Track: 6-Family Issues
Audience: Primary Audience: Family of a child with hearing loss
Secondary Audience: Early Intervention Provider
Tertiary Audeince: Part C Agency/Program
Keyword(s): parent support, intervention, collaboration
Learning Objectives: Attendees, including parents, EI professionals, EHDI coordinators, and medical home providers, will walk away with strategies for implementing effective parent-professional support


Working Together: A Parent and A Professional Take on Family Support Authors: Denise Davis-Pedrie and Sara Kennedy Colorado's CoHear system and Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side have an innovative partnership in southeast Colorado. Learn about the evolution of parent support from the initial strategy of handing a parent a brochure to the now scheduled covisits by the EI professional and parent guide, and how this collaboration positively impacts the EHDI system in the region's area. Learn how regional EHDI team members also have a hand in shaping the information shared with families. Pros and cons of covisits and strategies to increase collaboration for other states will be introduced. Presenters will facilitate an audience discussion regarding how to create a safe environment for parents to explore the unknown and to ask questions when they 'don't know what they don't know.' That safe environment also provides an opportunity for the parent guide and CoHear to share information from both a family and a professional perspective, giving parents a multifaceted view of raising a child with hearing loss. For example, these answers are both valid but quite diverse: • 'Wear hearing aids during all waking hours,' vs. 'Our toddler would take apart the hearing aids in the car so we took them out for car rides.' • 'We chose our church preschool because we wanted a school that taught our values,' vs. 'Your child needs the expertise from the staff at the school for the Deaf.'
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available
Sara Kennedy - Colorado Hands & Voices
     Credentials: Director
     Other Affiliations: OT
      Sara is a mom of four children, including a daughter who was born at home and later identified with a profound hearing loss. An occupational therapist by training, Sara has worked for Hands & Voices since 2000, currently serving as the Colorado chapter director and the editor for the quarterly newspaper, the Communicator, at the Headquarters level. Sara has a special interest in advocating for hearing screening in the homebirth community. She was a coauthor for the handbook Bridge to Preschool: Navigating a Successful Transition as well as articles and presentations on teaching our deaf/hh children about sex, promoting self advocacy, progressive hearing loss, and the decision process regarding cochlear implants. She finds parenting teenagers to be an even bigger challenge.
Denise Davis-Pedrie - Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind
     Credentials: M.A. CCC-Sp. Speech/Language/Hearing Pathologist
     Other Affiliations: Colorado EDHI Regional Team member
      Denise Davis-Pedrie is a speech-language pathologist and teacher of the deaf with a specialist certification in Infant/Toddler Special Education. She is a Colorado Hearing Resource Coordinator with the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind, supporting families with newly identified children, birth to three years of age. Additionally, Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a preschool teacher for children with hearing loss in an inclusive classroom. Denise is a member of the Board of Directors for Colorado Families for Hands and Voices.