Title: 'CI Support = See, I Support (Advocating for and Empowering students with cochlear implants)'
Track: 2-Audiological Assessment and Intervention
Audience: Primary Audience: Family of a child with hearing loss
Secondary Audience: Early Intervention Provider
Tertiary Audeince: Other - Educators
Keyword(s): cochlear implant, outreach, school setting, support
Learning Objectives: Learn about the components of the Illinois School for the Deaf Cochlear Implant Support program such as audiological support, on-site training and consultation, resource development, peer and mentor support, and support families and staff.


The number of students with cochlear implants is growing every year whether they are in a residential school setting or a mainstream school setting. What can be done to support their specific needs? The Outreach Program at the Illinois School for the Deaf (ISD) is in a unique position to be a central resource to schools in a variety of issues related to hearing loss. The Outreach Program is also expanding by developing a CI Support Program specifically directed at maximizing the potential of students with cochlear implants in whatever school setting they are in. Initially, the CI Support Program will focus on students at ISD (grades pre-K through 12) but is also investigating how to incorporate this program into the mainstream school setting, especially in those under-served areas where there are scarce resources for students with hearing loss. Our program is also closely affiliated with our EI counterpart, Hearing & Vision Connections, so that we can assist families in the EI system. Come and learn about the components of this program such as audiological support, on-site training and consultation, resource development, peer and mentor support, and support for families and staff.
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available
Tina Childress - Illinois School for the Deaf/Outreach Program
     Credentials: MA, CCC-A
      Tina Childress graduated with her Audiology degree in 1998 and then experienced a rapidly progressive hearing loss herself starting in 1999 - she received her first CI in 2000 and went bilateral in 2005. She is currently a Consultant for the Outreach Program at the Illinois School for the Deaf where her main duties involve supporting the CI students and presenting hearing loss-related workshops for public schools throughout Illinois. She is also an educational audiologist for several counties in East Central Illinois, guest lectures at the University of Illinois and worked for Advanced Bionics as a Consumer and Education Specialist. Tina is very active in the hearing loss community where she mentors others and serves on a variety of Boards, advocacy groups and online forums. She is fluent in ASL and is thankful that she is able to travel between the Hearing and Deaf worlds with her skills and perspectives.