Title: 'Anna: In her own words'
Track: 6-Family Issues
Audience: Primary Audience: Family of a child with hearing loss
Secondary Audience: Early Intervention Provider
Tertiary Audeince: Other - Any professional involved with a child who has hearing loss
Keyword(s): Family, Parenting, Children
Learning Objectives: Have a better understanding of the child's perspective of what it's like to live with hearing loss.


Anna is a 10 year old girl who was has moderate hearing loss that was diagnosed by the Newborn Hearing Screens that were performed at the time of her birth. She was fitted with hearing aids at 4 months and was enrolled in early intervention by 6 months of age. Anna is now enrolled in mainstream 4th grade and has a lot to say about what it’s like to grow up with hearing loss. Along with her mother, Melissa, Anna will discuss what life has been like for her living in a small rural Michigan town with very few other children with hearing loss. Anna has attended a previous EHDI conference and has decided it was time to share her prospective on her life, hearing loss and has a desire to help new parents understand what it’s like for their children.
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available
Melissa Wagner - MI Hands & Voices
     Credentials: Mother to 2 children with hearing loss, member with MI Hands & Voices
      Melissa is the mother two 2 children with hearing loss. She has been invovled with the MI Guide By Your Side program in the past as well as MI Hands & Voices.
Anna Wagner - Mason County Central High School
     Credentials: Teen with hearing loss
      Anna is teen whose hearing loss was identified by the Newborn Hearing Screens performed at the time of her birth. She has taken a large interest in helping families understand how hearing loss has affected her life and wants to share her story.