Title: 'Standardized Patients: The Future of EHDI Professional Training'
Track: 7-EHDI Workforce Issues
Audience: Primary Audience: University
Secondary Audience:
Tertiary Audeince:
Keyword(s): EHDI training, standardized patients
Learning Objectives: 1. Create several different family encounters for which standardized patients would be useful for student training


Training professionals to work in the area of EHDI is challenging. Multiple skill sets, including knowledge of diagnostic and habilitation strategies, planning and referral strategies, and counseling, must blend seamlessly. It is often difficult to prepare students to take on all of these responsibilities because training programs might only provide experiential access to a few of those areas or, more likely, student supervisors are reluctant to relinquish any of those responsibilities, leaving students to be observers rather than participants in family care. Thus, upon finding themselves in EHDI roles, these novice professionals might initially be unprepared to tackle their responsibilities effectively. In the past decade, most medical schools have begun using standardized patients (SPs) to simulate clinical encounters as a supplement to traditional classroom teaching. In these controlled and risk-free clinical environments, students have the opportunity to practice their clinical skills with SPs who are trained to portray a scripted role. These individuals are employees who are recruited based upon demographics such as age, race, gender, and body habitus and are trained to portray patients, family members, and professionals. With SPs, instructors can provide the type of patient needed at the exact time required to supplement classroom instruction. At Vanderbilt University we have been utilizing patient simulation for EHDI training for two years through our involvement with the Vanderbilt Center for Experiential Learning and Assessment (CELA). CELA is an innovative instructional environment that allows professionals to train effective, efficient, and compassionate care in a safe environment. Opportunities for this approach are endless. For example, SPs can portray parents receiving the diagnosis of hearing loss for their child. It is anticipated that the information provided in this presentation will be helpful to training programs that want to enhance their current didactic teaching model to include this state-of-the-art approach to professional training.
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available
Anne Marie Tharpe - Vanderbilt University
     Credentials: Ph.D.
      Dr. Tharpe is Professor and Chair, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee. Her clinical and research interests are in the area of pediatric audiology. Specifically, she is interested in the impact of hearing loss on various aspects of child development, special needs of children with multiple disabilities, and the development and assessment of hearing in infants. Dr. Tharpe has published extensively in national and international professional journals, has published a number of books and book chapters, and has spoken to over 200 audiences around the world on pediatric audiology issues.
Lisa Rawn - Vanderbilt University
     Credentials: Asst Professor, Med Ed and Admin
      BIO: Lisa Rawn is Director of the Center for Experiential Learning and Assessment in the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.
Alan Johnstone - Vanderbilt University
      BIO: Alan Johnstone is a simulation technician for the Center for Experiential Learning and Assessment in the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.