Title: 'Making Strides: Improving Hearing Screening Rates for Babies Born at Home'
Track: 1-EHDI Program Enhancement
Audience: Primary Audience: State Health Department
Secondary Audience: Hospital/Birthing Center<
Tertiary Audeince:
Keyword(s): homebirth screening, midwife collaboration
Learning Objectives: Participants will leave the session with strategies to increase rates of homebirth hearing screening and develop a meaningful connection with the homebirth community.


In Colorado, newborn hearing screening rates meet the national EHDI benchmark of 98%—except in the arena of homebirths. There were minimal homebirth screens 5 years ago, but statistics show this rate continues to slowly increase. With an average of 1000 homebirths in the state every year, it is expected that at least 2 or 3 of these babies will have a hearing loss. The speakers will share how they engaged Colorado homebirth midwives to increase the rate of hearing screening for babies born in their practices, whether by teaching hearing screening and equipment lending, creating homebirth friendly screening opportunities, or engaging the regional EHDI teams to problem solve other solutions. Resources will be shared such as the Roadmap for Families, an open letter to homebirth parents, and other information designed to encourage families to seek out hearing screening as part of the routine assessments and testing for healthy newborns.
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available
Sara Kennedy - Colorado Hands & Voices
     Credentials: Director
     Other Affiliations: OT
      Sara is a mom of four children, including a daughter who was born at home and later identified with a profound hearing loss. An occupational therapist by training, Sara has worked for Hands & Voices since 2000, currently serving as the Colorado chapter director and the editor for the quarterly newspaper, the Communicator, at the Headquarters level. Sara has a special interest in advocating for hearing screening in the homebirth community. She was a coauthor for the handbook Bridge to Preschool: Navigating a Successful Transition as well as articles and presentations on teaching our deaf/hh children about sex, promoting self advocacy, progressive hearing loss, and the decision process regarding cochlear implants. She finds parenting teenagers to be an even bigger challenge.
Vickie Thomson - University of Colorado
     Credentials: PhD
      Vickie Thomson, PhD, served at the Director of the Colorado Newborn Hearing Program at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment from 1991 to 2012. She received her master’s degree in audiology from the University of Northern Colorado in 1978 and her doctorate degree from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2007. As a clinical audiologist Vickie started one of the first infant hearing programs at Boulder Community Hospital. She has provided technical assistance in developing screening programs in Colorado and in other states and countries. She has written numerous articles on the importance of early identification and intervention of hearing loss in infants. She currently is the principle investigator if the HRSA EHDI grant and is a consultant to the National Center on Hearing Assessment and Management.
Emily Fields - Colorado Dept of Public Health & Environment
     Credentials: MS, CGC
      Emily monitors state hearing screening outcomes and provides technical assistance for the EHDI program in Colorado. She maintains the EHDI CHIRP database with reports submitted by hospitals, midwives, audiologists and early interventionists. Emily also has a degree in genetic counseling and is taking a lead role in maintaining a genetics component in the Health Care Program for Children with Special Needs Unit, where she works at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Sara Kennedy - Colorado Hands & Voices
     Credentials: Director
     Other Affiliations: OT
      BIO: Sara is a mom of four children, including a daughter who was born at home and later identified with a profound hearing loss. An occupational therapist by training, Sara has worked for Hands & Voices since 2000, currently serving as the Colorado chapter director and the editor for the quarterly newspaper, the Communicator, at the Headquarters level. Sara has a special interest in advocating for hearing screening in the homebirth community. She was a coauthor for the handbook Bridge to Preschool: Navigating a Successful Transition as well as articles and presentations on teaching our deaf/hh children about sex, promoting self advocacy, progressive hearing loss, and the decision process regarding cochlear implants. She finds parenting teenagers to be an even bigger challenge.