Title: 'Reducing Loss to Follow-up by Meeting Family Needs'
Track: 5-Follow-up, Tracking, and Data Management
Audience: Primary Audience: Audiologist
Secondary Audience: State Health Department
Tertiary Audeince: Hospital/Birthing Center<
Keyword(s): Loss to Follow-up, Attrition, Monitoring
Learning Objectives: Describe statistics for loss to follow-up in EHDI programs. Describe components of a subject/patient retention plan. Help parents become active members of an EHDI Program.


Loss to follow-up continues to be a significant problem for newborn hearing screening programs and delays in follow-up degrade the quality of services offered and the outcomes achieved for children with hearing loss. Attrition rates as high as 60% between the initial referral and the diagnostic evaluation are not uncommon. Insight from family involvement, audiological assessment, and intervention with children with hearing loss who were involved in long-term longitufinal investigation spannig over 20 years will be summarized. Suggestions and techniques for maintaining parent/child/subject involvement will be provided. Additionally, suggestions and recommendations for development of a retention plan and a patient database will be discussed. Further, ideas for helping parents become members of the diagnostic/intervention collaboration will be explored.
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available
Karen Fowler - UAB Dept. of Pediatrics
     Credentials: DRPH
      Karen B. Fowler, DrPH, is a professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the UAB School of Medicine. Her research focuses on the epidemiology of maternal and congenital cytomegalovirus infections and CMV-related hearing loss in children. She is co-director of a multicenter study of CMV infection and hearing loss.