Title: 'How to REALLY Use a Parent on Your Team'
Track: 6-Family Issues
Audience: Primary Audience: Part C Agency/Program
Secondary Audience: Family of a child with hearing loss
Tertiary Audeince: State Education Agency
Keyword(s): Parent Perspective, Support, Leadership, Ideas
Learning Objectives: take home ideas on how to encourage and involve parents at local, state and national levels of your EHDI and Intervention programs.


Parents offer unique personal experiences and perspectives that will have significant value to advisory boards, focus groups, presentations or other training activities. If you give these parents an opportunity to interact and support other families, and to share their expertise, you will have a better representation of stories and experiences: not of one perspective, but of many – the Village Speaker. This presentation will focus on how to best utilize parents in supportive and leadership roles in your EHDI, EI and medical home environments. Using real-life examples and experiences from parent professionals, Amanda will share insights and practical ideas on how to involve parents as team members for you to take home, share and implement in your own programs.
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available
Amanda Kaahanui - Hawaii DOH Newborn Hearing Screening Program
     Credentials: Parent of HH child
      Amanda is the mother to a active, happy 6 year old boy who just happens to be hard of hearing with a trach tube and g-tube. She has been helping and supporting families since her son's birth and has recently been hired as the Parent Support Coordinator for the Hawaii Newborn Hearing Screening Program.
Amanda Kaahanui - Hawaii DOH Newborn Hearing Screening Program
     Credentials: Parent of HH child
      BIO: Amanda is the mother to a active, happy 6 year old boy who just happens to be hard of hearing with a trach tube and g-tube. She has been helping and supporting families since her son's birth and has recently been hired as the Parent Support Coordinator for the Hawaii Newborn Hearing Screening Program.