Title: 'Into the 21st Century and Beyond…hearing results available online!'
Track: 5-Follow-up, Tracking, and Data Management
Audience: Primary Audience: State Health Department
Secondary Audience: Audiologist
Tertiary Audeince: Medical Provider
Keyword(s): Data, web-based reporting, medical providers
Learning Objectives: understand the complexity of integrating data sets, and the challenges of educating physicians and other medical providers.


The Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR) is taking a lead in Michigan’s Health Data Integration Project, which was started in response to the newborn health standards and guidelines recommended by the Center for Innovation as part of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). State legislation passed in spring, 2006 to allow the expansion of the Registry to include the reporting and recording of additional health information. Hearing screening, rescreen, and diagnostic information was added June 2009 to the online program for health care providers to access. This means that EHDI results are retrievable online by 100% (2,400) of Michigan immunization provider offices, all 15 Health Systems, and audiologists. Hearing results being displayed for pediatricians and other medical home providers will facilitate follow-up. The process to integrate and the challenges in education will be discussed, along with the impact of how this will improve follow-up, and the future directions of collaboration.
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available
Michelle Garcia - MDCH/EHDI
     Credentials: Au.D.
      Michelle Garcia is a licensed audiologist. She obtained her doctorate of audiology from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry and has experience as a clinical audiologist and expertise in newborn hearing screening as follow-up consultant for the Michigan EHDI program. Dr. Garcia has coordinated meetings for hearing screening, presented at educational conferences and in-service trainings, edited program materials and publications, and developed and maintained contacts with partner organizations and agencies.