Title: 'Pilot testing of a parent-directed intervention (Project ASPIRE) for underserved children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.'
Track: 3-Early Intervention and Beyond
Audience: Primary Audience: Early Intervention Provider
Secondary Audience: Audiologist
Tertiary Audeince: Medical Provider
Keyword(s): cochlear implant, low ses,early intervention
Learning Objectives: Analyze the effects of hearing loss in children in low ses families. Identify key factors in creating an ideal listening and language environment for children with hearing loss.


Objective: There is a significant disparity in outcomes of implanted children of low SES background compared with more affluent counterparts. The major factors thwarting success appear to be inadequate rehabilitation resources and a lack of parental knowledge and skills essential to an implanted child’s listening and language development. To improve the outcome in implanted children of lower-SES background, we are developing Project ASPIRE, a professionally-supervised and parent-directed learning-program. As a critical step in intervention development, this pilot study aims to demonstrate the efficacy of Project ASPIRE in improving parental language knowledge and skills within our target population.
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available
Sophie Shay - University of Chicago
      Sophie Shay is a medical student at the University of Chicago School of Medicine. She is a research assitant to Dr. Dana Suskind for Project ASPIRE.
Dana Suskind - University of Chicago Medicine
     Credentials: MD
     Other Affiliations: University of Chicago
      BIO: Dr. Suskind is a Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics in the Section of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and directs the Pediatric Cochlear Implantation Program at the University of Chicago. Her research is dedicated to addressing health disparities, specifically early language disparities, through the development of novel multimedia intervention programs that combine parent education with quantitative linguistic feedback. She has conceptualized and initiated development and evaluation of two parent-directed, home-visiting interventions: Project ASPIRE and the Thirty Million Words Project. These interventions, for parents of children with hearing loss and parents of typically developing children respectively, aim to improve child outcomes through parent enrichment of the early language environment.
Mary Ellen Nevins - PPCI
     Credentials: Ed.D
     Other Affiliations: Oberkotter
      BIO: Mary Ellen Nevins is the founder of PPCI (Preparation for Professionals working with Cochlear Implants). She is the co-creator of Project ASPIRE.