Title: 'Building Family-Provider Relationships via Tele-intervention '
Track: 3-Early Intervention and Beyond
Audience: Primary Audience: Early Intervention Provider
Secondary Audience: Family of a child with hearing loss
Tertiary Audeince: Other - Speech/language pathologists
Keyword(s): telehealth; tele-intervention; early intervention; family
Learning Objectives: 1. Obtain a foundation regarding the similarities and differences in communication via tele-intervention compared to traditional home visits. 2. Understand the characteristics and indicators of high-quality personal interaction with providers that are important to families. 3. Learn principles and strategies applied by providers to deliver effective tele-intervention services that are sensitive to the needs of families.


Tele-intervention, the use of telehealth technology to deliver early intervention services, is a promising strategy for helping children with hearing loss and their families obtain needed services. However, professionals are often concerned about how this delivery method may impede the ability to communicate sensitive information to families or the ability of families to communicate openly. The purpose of this session is to share findings from a case study involving families who have been recipients of both traditional home visits and tele-intervention. In-depth interviews with families were conducted, obtaining valuable qualitative information on the extent to which families perceived that an effective inter-personal relationship was achieved via tele-intervention. Content focused on desirable characteristics and behaviors that providers can demonstrate in order to emotionally support families as well as guide them in ways to promote their child's development. In turn, a provider experienced in the provision of tele-intervention as well as traditional settings will share strategies he's used in delivering tele-intervention, some unique and some universal to effective intervention. Video clips will be used to demonstrate positive provider-parent interaction, with a focus on the use of counseling and coaching techniques to build strong relationships.
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available
Diane Behl - NCHAM
     Credentials: M.Ed.
      Diane Behl is a Senior Faculty member at the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management. She facilitates telehealth learning communities and is a co-investigator for cost-effectiveness studies. She has expertise in evaluating the effectiveness of service coordination provided via Part C Early Intervention and Maternal and Child Health programs.
K. Todd Houston - Department of Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education
     Credentials: PhD, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT
     Other Affiliations: Director, Graduate Studies Program in Auditory Learning & Spoken Language
      Dr. K. Todd Houston is an Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology in the Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education at Utah State University where he continues to develop auditory-based intervention and educational opportunities for children with hearing loss who are acquiring spoken language. He also serves as Director of the Graduate Studies Program in Auditory Learning and Spoken Language, an innovative personnel preparation program for graduate students in Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology, and Deaf Education. Prior to joining the faculty at Utah State University, Dr. Houston was the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell), located in Washington, DC.