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Diane Miller

Dr. Miller has been a constant in the turnover of five EHDI coordinators in Nevada. Without her dedication in making our State EHDI program stronger and working to make our systems more efficient we would not have the EHDI program we have today. Dr. Miller cares about the kids and the families that are impacted by the work that EHDI does in our state. She has worn many hats in her work with the EHDI program and as an Audiologist for Nevada Early Intervention Services: data collector, training coordinator, community audiologist outreach contact, hospital screener trainer, hospital management outreach, colleague, and very proud to call her my friend too.

Her skills do not end with her office work. She is a part of Nevada Hands & Voices Advisory Board. Dr. Miller also runs the NV Hands & Voices Loaner Bank that lends hearing aids to children in need. In the community she goes out of her way to help provide daycare at our Parent Support meetings, help with community fundraising events to fund our Loaner Bank and High School Scholarships. She loves people, works hard, and always tries to make things better in our state.

When you ask Diane's colleagues at Nevada Early Intervention Services about her, the unanimous response is "she is great". Here is why. Diane Miller has been the catalyst for the great strides accomplished by Nevada in ensuring that all newborns are screened for hearing loss and receive early intervention services, if needed. Since the creation of the Nevada's EDHI program in 2002, the percent of screening infants for hearing loss has increased from an estimated 40% to 98.90%. Nevada also has witnessed significant improvements in having infants access to appropriate follow-up care. In 2010, there were 14 children enrolled in Part C, Early Intervention. In 2012, the number of children enrolled had increased to 34. Children with hearing loss served by NEIS are now receiving diagnostic and early intervention services closer to 6 months of age. Not so long ago it was closer to their second birthday.

Diane has worked continuously in building collaboratively relationships with health care professionals to provide the resources and tools for hospital staff to communicate effectively with parents to reduce the barriers in refusing hearing screenings. Diane is not only diligent in tracking the screening results but most importantly, is a resource to early intervention staff and parents in explaining and providing specific information.

Diane maintains a good balance between collecting data and improving child outcomes. Diane has exemplary qualities in being compassionate, approachable with any question asked and can provide requested information in understandable, family-friendly terms with real-life examples. Just last week an early intervention provider stated 'We are only able to do our work with Dr. Miller's assistance and mentoring." Diane is willing to go the extra mile for children and their family and motivates others to the same and is the anchor for Nevada's EHDI Program.